There are different varieties of each form that you can swap out in order to get something that suits you better.

Your God Arc has three forms – Melee, Gun, and Shield. The gameplay itself is simple on the surface but allows for a lot of customization. Once discovering that you have the potential, you are assigned to Blood and sent out to hone your skills, and that’s when the game’s many systems come together for a deceptively deep combat and gear system. It’s a very rare gift, in fact, you as the player will be only the second person in history to have pulled it off making it perfectly clear why you are the primary protagonist.

Unlike other God Eaters, you can develop a resonance with your God Arc allowing you to tap into hidden potential that will greatly increase your power and other abilities. While each game had players become a titular God Eater, you’ll join a particularly elite unit this time around – the Blood Unit. Where God Eater 2: Rage Burst differs story-wise is in the unit you join. Their weapons, God Arcs, are man-made Aragami that are wielded in the form of melee weapons and powerful firearms falling back on the age-old saying “fight fire with fire.” In order to cement a future for all of humankind, a military organization known as Fenrir has committed itself to pushing back the Aragami forces using soldiers infused with Oracle Cells (the same stuff that the “gods” are made out of). Normal weapons are useless against these foul beasts, and they consume everything in sight, transforming normal life into Aragami like themselves. The Aragami, beasts who are viewed as gods, appeared out of seemingly nowhere and have ravaged the world and humanity. God Eater 2: Rage Burst follows basically the same plot as its predecessors. While this new release certainly improves on a lot of aspects of that original release, there are some issues that ultimately keep God Eater 2: Rage Burst from reaching its full potential. God Eater 2: Rage Burst is sort of a “definitive edition” of that sequel, introducing new features and mechanics while bringing the game to the PS4 and PC as well as a return to the PS Vita. It was only a matter of time before the sequel, which originally released back in 2013, would rear its head, too. God Eater has managed to pop back into the spotlight recently thanks to the recent re-re-release of the first game in the series under the title God Eater Resurrection.